LOTUS or ‘Lian Hua’ is regarded as good fortune flower by many Feng Shui masters, the lotus is said to turn bad luck to good luck and heighten your sense of joy and peace. It is an icon of wholesomeness, harmony, peace and purity.
Wealth and Abundance: The lotus is also associated with wealth and abundance in Feng Shui. Its ability to rise above the murky waters and bloom into a beautiful flower is seen as a metaphor for overcoming obstacles and achieving success.
Harmonious Relationships: In Feng Shui, the lotus is also believed to represent harmonious relationships, particularly in the context of romantic partnerships. The lotus is often used as a symbol of pure love and is believed to enhance the energy of love and promote harmonious relationships.
GREEN GARNET symbolises growth and renewal. It will help you have a better appreciation for life and teach you to be grateful for the abundance and the sustenance in all levels of your existence.
It’s a stone that will promote wealth and prosperity. Green Garnet will teach you to be open to what is offered by the universe! You will be blessed beyond measure physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and financially.
Green-Garnet is the gemstone that will teach you to appreciate the people you love and the people who love you back. It also has the ability to strengthen not only the heart but the soul as well.
It is also a stone for new beginnings and hope. It will give you clarity and help you see things or people in a different light.
This stone is believed to add new meaning to your life and your relationship.
4mm Faceted Cube Green Garnet